
Reach Your Representative Association : AIGETOA

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Postponement of AGM cum District Body Election of Alappuzha BA

Due to some urgent administrative reason the Annual General Body Meeting and District Body Election of AIGETOA Alappuzha is postponed to 26-10-2022


AGB Cum District Conference & Election: AIGETOA Trivandrum, Circle Office TVM

The AGB Cum District Conference meeting of AIGETOA Trivandrum BA & AIGETOA Circle Office units was held on 13.10.2022 at Hotel Prashanth, PMG Junction, Trivandrum.Sri.Dilshad S, DP AIGETOA Trivandrum, welcomed the Guests and dignitaries to the OPEN SESSION.
Respected GM/HR Admin, BSNL Kerala Circle office Sri. R Sathesh Sir inaugurated the Open Session. AIGETOA CS Sri. Saheer S,CFS Sri. Maxmilan, ACS Sri. Prasad Raj, VP Sri. Vipal Prem , ACS Sri . Ansal Mohammed and other CEC/DEC office bearers & almost all members across Trivandrum & Circle Office attended the meeting. From the Management side, Smt. Jeysi Mahil DGM(HQ), Smt Ranimol M S DGM ( Sales/DM/EB), Smt. Valsala Kumari S DGM (OP) and Sri Ashik K.A (IFA), Trivandrum have attended the Open Session and given valuable guidance on the theme Role of Employees on BSNL Revival 2.0. DS TVM Sri.Sreejith S V,DS CO Sri. Sathyajose S L also attended the Open Session and shared their thoughts.
Later our CS felicitated our guests & dignitaries with mementos. Sri.Sathyajose S L ,DS Circle office concluded the session with a vote of thanks. A detailed term report was presented by DS and DFS in the afternoon session. DFS Sri.Sooraj B S presented the Financial Statement for the term 2019-2022 and all the reports were unanimously approved by the members. Thereafter the current body was dissolved & election proceedings started. Returning Officer Sri. Maxmilan handled the procedure. A panel was presented before the RO. The general body unanimously elected the new OBs for AIGETOA Trivandrum as follows
District President:-Sri.Praveen Prakash M J
District Secretary:- Sri.Sreejith S V
District Finance Secretary:- Smt.Divya C K
Vice President :- Sri. Rajesh S
Asst District Secretary:-
1. Sri. Sooraj B S
2. Sri. Nijam M M
3. Sri. Shaji V R
Executive Members
1. Sri. Sooraj S
2. Sri. Vineesh A
3. Smt. Sindhu M V
4. Sri. Jibin J L

Elections were also held for the District President, Circle Office Unit (following the resignation), and Sri. Dilshad S is unanimously elected as new district president of AIGETOA Circle office unit by the unit collegium members.


District Conference : AIGETOA Alappuzha

The Annual General Meet/District Conference Cum Election of AIGETOA Alappuzha is scheduled to be conducted on 20/10/2022 ( which was postponed earlier).

All the Members of Alappuzha BA are requested to attend the same.
Click here for the revised notification

The Final nominations received will be published at the venue.

Nomination Link is as Below

File Your Nomination


Wishing a very Happy Dussehra to all..!!!

May all the evils and negative energies in your life end with the celebrations of Vijaya Dashami…. Wishing you the most memorable festive time…. Happy Dussehra!!!

Happy Dussehra 2022


District Conference : AIGETOA Trivandrum

The Annual General Meet/District Conference Cum Election of AIGETOA Trivandrum is scheduled to be conducted on 13/10/2022 ( which was postponed earlier).

All the Members of Trivandrum BA are requested to attend the same.

Click here for the revised notification


AIGETOA Kerala Proudly Announces the Orientation Program for LICE Exam - DEC 2022 (JE to JTO)


Dear Colleagues,

AIGETOA Kerala Proudly announces the Orientation Program for LICE Exam to be held in 2022 handled by Professional Institute & Subject Experts to equip the aspirants well in time before the exam schedule.


1. Value for money and efforts - Economical and Competitive good Training
2. Very high Success Rate in the last Orientation Program ( Greater than 81% and about 3 times higher than that some other trainings done) in the last lice exam results
3. Full classes handled by Professional and academic experts
4. Online Live classroom sessions with more than 50 Hrs (Lectures, Question Discussion, Revision & Reviews)
5. More than 174 Hours of Recorded Classes
6. Hardcopy Material (500 pages) including courier
7. Online Mock tests

Total Expected Cost about Rs 3500 per candidate One time Payment

(*Rs- 2000 and Rs 1750 as 2 installments)

Special offer for all previous course candidates who couldn't clear exam

All above package without Hard copy material @Rs 2500

A free introductory session will be there on 06-10-2022
Come join Us and feel the difference

Register in below link



True Show of your Strength is your Will - Shri M K Gandhi

Remembering Mahatma Gandhiji...!!!

Gandhi Jayanthi 2022



District Conference & Election : AIGETOA Pathanamthitta

The AGB Cum District Conference meeting of AIGETOA Pathanamthitta BA was held on 15.09.2022 at YMCA Hall, Thiruvalla. Almost all the members of AIGETOA Pathanamthitta were present in the meeting.

The Meeting was presided by DP Venu A. V. Last term Financial report presented by DFS Jenu John & Term report presented by DS Manoj. T and the reports were unanimously accepted by the house. Circle Secretary Saheer S , VP Sri. Anil Kani, Sri. Vipal Prem addressed members on various issues and discussions.

Later the old body was dissolved and election for AIGETOA district body for the new term conducted by Returning Officer Sri. Anil Kani & Circle Observer Sri Vipal Prem.

New District office bearers of AIGETOA Pathanamthitta are as follows :

DP Sri. Venu A. V
DS Sri. Manoj. T
DFS Sri. Dileepan P Y
DVP Sri.Samel Prasad C S
1. Sri. Jenu John
2. Sri. Koti Veerabhadram B
3. Smt. Sindhu S
Executive Members ( Nominated)
1)Smt.Vidya V N
2)Sri.Marella Sandeep
3)Sri.Manoj Mathew
4)Sri.Arun Sasi


In the evening Sri. Ansal Mohammed, ACS also attended the meeting. The Meeting concluded at 6:30 PM with the vote of thanks by Sri. Dileepan P Y, DFS AIGETOA Pathanamthitta.


Postponement of District Conference

The DEC of AIGETOA decided to postpone the District Conference scheduled on 16.09.2022.

New date & details will be intimated later


Happy Onam

Happy Onam



Dear All,
AIGETOA Kerala wishes Hearty congratulations to all the successful candidates of LICE-2022 of JTO (Telecom) Exam. The number of vacancies available to be filled through the exam was low and there was tough competition for the limited seats across India. We are confident that people who finally made it through the exam would have meticulously prepared for it and deserve to be qualified. Our best wishes to all successful candidates who are getting ready for a second innings in their career with BSNL as executives. Congratulations to one and all.
In this regard, it gives us immense pleasure to declare here that there was 81% success rate among the candidates who participated in the LICE coaching arranged by AIGETOA Kerala. It is a happy and proud moment for our entire team who worked behind it to make the entire program a phenomenal success. It gives us enormous satisfaction to understand that we could lend a helping hand to an overwhelming majority of people who were seeking an up gradation of their career with BSNL. To all those who couldn’t succeed, what we can say is better luck next time! LICE Exam for next VY is coming up. Continue with your hard work and preparation. It will not go waste and our best wishes in advance. We at our end, cherish the bond that could make with each and every one of you.
As all the successful candidates are getting ready to join the executive cadre, let us take this opportunity to welcome you all for an AIGETOA membership. You should be already aware that AIGETOA is the Only Recognised Association of Executives in BSNL and is the only association which is relentlessly working for settlement of Pay related dues, Superannuation Pension dues and career Progression for BSNL employees.  We believe in  Efforts and team work.  Our motto is Together We  Can – Together We Have and Together We Will.
We request all  the new executives to be a part of our fraternity  who strive for a professional working culture in BSNL with  our justified  career progression  ,  remuneration and pension. As you prepare to start  the  journey , Let us make a mutual commitment to sail it together.

Namaste!  Welcome on board!


Notification of Returning Officer & Observer for District Conference Cum Election of Pathanamthitta and Alleppey BA

The following executives RO & Observer are nominated for District Conference Cum Election of PTA & ALP BAs scheduled on 15/9/2022 & 16/9/2022 respectively

Pathanamthitta BA

Returning Officer      -  Sri. Anil Kani
Mobile       - 9446039911

Circle Observer: Sri. Vipal Prem

Alleppey BA

Returning Officer : Sri. Anil Kani
Mobile- 9446039911

Circle Observer:- Sri. Vipal Prem

Nomination Link

Submit Nomination

The nominations for DS, DP, DT, VP, ADS(3 Nos) may be sent to the Google Form given from 2/9/22 to 14/9/22 from member's of respective BAs. Finalised nominations will be published on the date of election.

Nomination can be given for more than one post. Nomination to one post will be considered as nomination for any post. Remaining clarifications can be taken from RO/Observer if any.


District Conference & Election: AIGETOA Kozhikode

The AGB Cum District Conference meeting of AIGETOA Kozhikode BA was held on 30.08.2022 at Hotel Marina Residency, YMCA cross Road, Kozhikode.
Sri.Noushad Poyilil, DP AIGETOA Kozhikode, welcomed the Chief guest and other dignitaries to the OPEN SESSION.


Respected GMT Kozhikode Smt. Saniya Abdul Latheef Madam inaugurated the Open Session. AIGETOA CP Sri. Mohammadali , CS Sri. Saheer, ACS Sri. Cijo P Joseph, ACS Sri. Abdul Basith PK, ACS Binoj C B, ACS Sri . Ansal Mohammed CH and other CEC/DEC office bearers & almost all members across Kozhikode & Wayanad attended the meeting. From Management side Sri. Manoj DGM(MKTG), Sri.Saji Joseph DGM(Urban kozhikode), Sri. Jose Sangry (DGM-IFA) attended the Open Session and given valuable guidance on the theme BSNL Revival 2.0 Opportunities & Challenges. DS, BSNLEU Kozhikode Sri. Srinivasan, DS SNEA Sri. Sreenath S, DS SEWA Sri. Vijeesh also attended the Open Session and shared the thoughts.



Later Sri.Chandran, SDE was felicitated by respected GM for achieving Kovilan Award For his first novel “Iruttine Pranayicha Pole” . Further CP and CS felicitated our chief guest Smt. Sania madam and other dignitaries with mementos. Sri.Samel Prasad ,DS concluded the session with a vote of thanks.


Detailed term report was presented in the Afternoon session by DP, DS and DFS. DFS Sri.Anurag presented the Financial statement of the term 2019-2022 and all the reports were unanimously approved by the members. There after the current body was dissolved by the district president Sri.Noushad Poyilil. Election proceedings were controlled by Sri.Ansal Mohammed, Returning Officer and Chief Observer Sri.Abdul Basith. After a thorough discussion an approved panel were presented before the RO. The Observer and RO approved the panel and the new district body was unanimously elected as follows

District President :-Sri.Binoj C B

District Secretary:- Sri.Anurag M

District Finance Secretary :- Sri.Praveen Das P

Vice President:-Sri. Roopesh Nidilath

Asst District Secretary:-

1. Sri. Noushad Poyilil
2. Sri. Binoy I P
3. Smt. Nishana M C

Executive Members
1. Sri. Jayesh T V
2. Sri. Anand Muraleedharan
3. Sri. Rijeesh N
4. Sri. Chandran P M

The meeting was concluded by distributing a gift from the old district committee to all the participated members.


District Conference & Election : AIGETOA Kannur

The AGB Cum District Conference meeting of AIGETOA Kannur BA was held on 31.08.2022 at KTDC Loomland Hotel, Kannur.


In the morning session DS Sri. Roopesh Ramakrishnan & DFS Sri. Pramodh K J presented Term report & financial report respectively and unanimously accepted by the general body.



Further, the Open Session started. Respected GMT Kannur Sri. Rajeev SK inaugurated the Open Session. AIGETOA CP Sri. Mohammadali ,CS Sri. Saheer S, ACS Sri. Abdul Basith PK, ACS Binoj C B, ACS Sri . Ansal Mohammed CH and other CEC/DEC office bearers & almost all members across Kannur & Kasaragod attended the meeting. Sri. Mohanan PV,DGM(HQ), DS BSNLEU Sri PV Ramadasan,DS SNEA Sri Manojkumar KV also attended the Open Session and expressed various thoughts on the theme Role of Employees in BSNL Revival 2.0.

Sri. Sudeep C, ADS,AIGETOA Kannur BA welcomed all dignitaries & participants.
DP AIGETOA Sri. Sandeep P Presided over the function. All the dignitaries addressed the meeting on Open Session theme.


District committee felicitated Shri Sudeep C(AGM-EB and ADS , AIGETOA, Kannur) and Shri Gokuldas CN(JE,BSS, Kannur) for the achievement of completing 75Km ultra Marathon in connection with 75th Independence Day celebration as a part of Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav.Respected GM Shri Rajeev SK presented the mementos to them.

Further the outgoing BA Body dissolved and Election proceedings started. Returning officer Sri. Ansal Mohammed and Circle observer Sri. Binoj C B , handled the election proceedings and the AGM elected new office bearers of AIGETOA Kannur for the next term.

New office bearers of AIGETOA Kannur BA are as follows :

District President - Sri.Firaz T Abdulla
District Secretary - Sri.Riyas K
District Fin Secretary - Sri.Jayath K
District Vice President - Sri.Mahesh Kumar T

1.Sri.Priyadarshan P
2.Smt.Rinta K V
3.Sri.Jayakrishnan M

Executive Members
1. Sri.Sudheesh K
2. Smt.Minu P
3. Sri.Roopesh Ramakrishnan
4. Sri.Sandeep P

Organising Secretaries ( Nominated)
1.Sri.Sajith B
2.Sri.Sujith B
3.Sri.Sudeep C
4.Sri.Shibi O
5.Sri.Varun P P.

Meeting concluded at 5:30 PM with vote of thanks from ADS Smt. Rinta K V


District Conference & Election : AIGETOA Palakkad

The AGB Cum District Conference meeting of AIGETOA Palakkad BA was held on 29.08.2022 at Shikshak Sadan, Palakkad.


AIGETOA Kerala Circle President Mohammadali M C , ACS Sri. Abdul Basith PK, ACS Sri. Cijo P Joseph, ACS Sri.Ansal Mohammed CH and other DEC office bearers & almost all members across BA attended the meeting.
Smt. NISHA J S, ADS AIGETOA Palakkad BA welcomed all participants. DP AIGETOA Sri. Krishnakumaran C presided over the function. Circle President inaugurated the AGM and in his inaugural speech elaborated the various updates at CHQ level. ACS Abdul Basith PK, ACS Sri.Ansal Mohammed CH and ACS Sri. Cijo P Joseph addressed the gathering.



District Secretary Sri. Ponpradeep P.M presented the working report of AIGETOA Palakkad. DFS Sri. Unmesh A presented the financial report and it has been unanimously accepted. Further the outgoing BA Body was dissolved and Election proceedings started. Returning officer Sri. Abdul Basith PK and Circle observer Sri. Ansal Mohammed CH, handled the election proceedings and the AGM elected new office bearers of AIGETOA Palakkad for the next term.

New office bearers of AIGETOA Palakkad are as follows :

DP - Sri.Niaz S
DS - Sri.Ponpradeep PM
DFS -Sri.Unmesh A
DVP -Sri Rajesh S


Executive Members ( Nominated)


Meeting concluded at 5:30 PM with the vote of thanks by newly elected ADS Smt. Shafina M P.

Kerala Circle

Office Bearers

Circle President
Sri. Muhammad Ali M C
Circle Secretary
Sri. Maxmilan K
Circle Finance Secretary
Sri. Pramod K J
Circle Vice President 1
Sri. Anil Kani
Circle Vice President 2
Sri. Prajeesh P
Assistant Circle Secretary 1
Sri. Abdul Basith P K
Assistant Circle Secretary 2
Sri. Dipu Chandran
Assistant Circle Secretary 3
Sri. Vipal Prem
Assistant Circle Secretary 4
Sri. Cijo Joseph P
Assistant Circle Secretary 5
Sri. Anoop Das
Assistant Circle Secretary 6
Sri. Shambhu Chandran
Trivandrum Circle Office

Circle Office

Sri. Dilshad S
Mob: 9446468484
Sri. Dr. Sathyajose S L
Mob: 9447753571
Finance Secretary
Sri. Aravind. M
Mob: 9447963221
Trivandrum SSA


Sri. Praveen Prakash M J
Mob: 9495989699
Sri. Sreejith S V
Mob: 9449014055
Finance Secretary
Smt. Divya C K
Mob: 9446151150
Kollam SSA


Sri. Binu S
Mob: 9446609999
Sri. Anoop B
Mob: 9449823152
Finance Secretary
Sri. Rahul Ramachandran
Mob: 9449122406
Pathanamthitta SSA


Mob: 9447701525
Sri. Manoj T
Mob: 9446410257
Finance Secretary
Sri. Dileepan P Y
Mob: 9496326678
Kottayam SSA


Smt. Lovely Joseph
Mob: 9446578515
Sri. George Johns Parapura
Mob: 94467755440
Finance Secretary
Sri. Ashley P Thomas
Mob: 9400100264
Alappuzha SSA


Sri. Jayaprakash O S
Mob: 9446555455
Sri. Anoop Das
Mob: 9446863000
Finance Secretary
Sri. Ratheesh Ponnappan
Mob: 9447660660
Ernakulam SSA


Smt. Shini K R
Mob: 9447004900
Sri. Nikesh V K
Mob: 9448112505
Finance Secretary
Sri. Tony Thomas
Mob: 9809516686
Thrissur SSA


Sri. Jayadevan C V
Mob: 9447055322
Sri. Chandra Kumar O B
Finance Secretary
Sri. Anand Ramakrishnan
Palakkad SSA


Sri. Niaz S
Mob: 944378789
Sri. Ponpradeep P M
Mob: 9446303077
Finance Secretary
Sri. Unmesh A
Mob: 9446554737
Malappuram SSA


Sri. Ajeeb V I
Mob: 9434737500
Sri. Faisal Elattuparambil
Mob: 9446055520
Finance Secretary
Sri. Vivek Janardhan
Mob: 9483505521
Kozhikode SSA


Sri. Binoj C B
Mob: 945667666
Sri. Anurag M
Mob: 9446400440
Finance Secretary
Sri. Praveen Das P
Mob: 9446551066
Kannur SSA


Sri. Firaz T Abdulla
Mob: 9446090400
Sri. Riyas K
Mob: 9483506602
Finance Secretary
Sri. Priyadarsan P
Mob: 9423885532


Sri. Dilip Thomas
Mob: 9446304588
Sri. Mohammed Shaiju K A
Mob: 9446473706
Finance Secretary
Sri. Abdul Muneer P
Mob: 9746563915
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