BSNL CO issued Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (JTO Telecom) in BSNL under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2021 for vacancies upto 31.12.2022.
Tentative Vacancy Provisionally Notified for Kerala is 153.
Annexure-A Vacancy Details
Annexure-B JTO-RR-2014
Annexure-C Scheme & Syllabus of Examination
Annexure D Exam Centres
AIGETOA Kerala sought clarity on new project proposal which supposed to utilise the BSNL tower infrastructure, Kerala Circle. The commerical terms, security and maintenance aspects need to transparent while planning for the project.
GS AIGETOA has written to CVO BSNL on the matter of dubious posting of AGM(Vigilance) of the person under longest stay list of transfer to protect him from the displacement in bizzare misuse of the administrative power by the Kerala Circle Adminstration.
Click here for the letter
In line with the large resentment and deep furstration in the mind of executive fraternity in Kerala, AIGETOA represented various pending assurances from Circle Management which are yet to get resolved. It is seen that due to various acts of Circle administration the working employees are hurt at large and the trust imposed on the system & administration by the executives and the association is at stake. We made an impassionate appeal to CGMT Kerala for addressing of the same at the earliest by shedding the bias and partisan approach. Click here for the letter submitted
The 5th District conference of AIGETOA Ernakulam was held at Hotel Abad plaza on 26-03-2022 Saturday
Almost all the members of Ernakulam attended the grand function. The Chief Guest Dr.Francis Jacob ITS, PGMT Ernakulam BA inaugurated the Open Session in the presence of District President Sri. Bijoy R, Circle President Sri. Muhammadali M C, Circle Secretary Sri. Saheer S, District Secretary Sri. Arun K G, Circle Finance Secretary Sri. Maxmilan K, DGM EB &Mktg Sri. Rajeev SK , DGM NWO Sri. Rajesh UK, DGM NW CM Sri. Sajeev PK, DGM BSS &Txmn Smt. Jane madam and all the esteemed members. Various dignitaries addressed the gathering and elaborated various opportunities and concerns that BSNL is going through.
The speakers urged that the team work and infrastructure improvement is the key to success along with earlier 4G roll-out and complete FTTH penetration.ACS Sri. Cijo P Joseph welcomed the participants and ACS Sri. Ansal Mohammed extended Vote of thanks.
Post Lunch Session , the District Term reports for 2019-22 were presented by DS & DFS before the members and the collegium passed the same after discussion. Further the district governing body was dissolved and election proceedings for new AIGETOA Ernakulam body started. The returning officer Sri. Anil Kani & Circle observer Sri. Abdul Basith handled the proceedings and the district collegium elected the following Office Bearers for AIGETOA Ernakulam for the Next term.
തിരുവനന്തപുരം നവ ഭാവന ചാരിറ്റബിൾ ട്രസ്റ്റ് ഏർപ്പെടുത്തിയ ഈ വർഷത്തെ കോവിലൻ സാഹിത്യ പുരസ്കാരം ഹസൻ മരയ്ക്കാർ ഹാളിൽ വെച്ച് നടന്ന ഏഴാം വാർഷിക സമ്മേളനത്തിൽ പ്രശസ്ത കവി ശ്രീ. കുരീപ്പുഴ ശ്രീകുമാർ, എഴുത്തുകാരൻ ശ്രീ ജോർജ് ഓണക്കൂർ എന്നിവരിൽ നിന്ന് ശ്രീ ചന്ദ്രൻ പി എം, SDE മാനന്തവാടി ഏറ്റുവാങ്ങി. ഇരുട്ടിനെ പ്രണയിച്ച പോലെ എന്ന നോവലിനാണ് പുരസ്കാരം ലഭിച്ചത്.
AIGETOA Kerala is proud to have such talented people in BSNL and as our esteemed member. Hearty congratulations to him.
The Lunch Hour Protest program held today at O/o CGMT, BSNL KERALA , Trivandrum witnessed huge gathering from the members of this association. Executives from Trivandrum to Thrissur came and expressed their deep protest against the arbitray orders being issued in Kerala Circle. CIrcle Secretary Sri. Saheer S, Circle Finance Secretary Sri.Maxmilan, ACS Sri. Prasad Raj RV, Sri. Cijo P Joseph, Sri. Nikesh V , VP Sri. Vipal Prem, Executive Members Sri. Dipu Chandran, Sri. Krishanakumar addressed the huge gathering. 78 executives who came from different BA on short notice have shown the resolve to fight for justice with unity and togetherness
Glimpses of the Event
AIGETOA Kerala express our deep anguish and protest on the arbitrary and discriminatory transfer order issued vide Ltr – KRLCO-11/20(3)/7/2020-HR & ADMIN dated 19/03/2022 by overriding of the existent practice of rotational transfer from CO MS Unit.
The said order negates the merit of BSNL Transfer policy guidelines & the recent clarifications/ guidelines in this regard. This order doesn’t consider the territorial break of executives who worked in other BA areas. The same doesn’t conform to neither post nor station / SSA tenure type.
It is also seen that the executives who are supposed to get the transfer to CO MS EKM during August -2021 based on the interview are kept under abeyance till 2023 without any request from executives. We met GM(HR/Admin) and protested against such unilateral order and conveyed our resentment to CGMT BSNL Kerala. We made an impassioned appeal to CGMT BSNL Kerala to revoke the biased order and issue fresh order as per merit. In protest to the same , AIGETOA KERALA will be observing a One Day Lunch Hour Demonstration on 21-03-2022 at 13:00 Hr at Circle Office , Trivandrum
The nomination form for the post of office bearers of AIGETOA Ernakulam BA, which is scheduled on 26/03/2022, is given below.
Members of AIGETOA Ernakulam BA may please file nominations timely on or before 20/3/2022.
The nominations are called for DS, DP, DT, VP, ADS(3 Nos), Executive Member (4Nos) - Finalised nominations will be published in the district conference on the date of Election. The candidate should be physically available at the Conference at the time of election.
Nomination can be given for more than one post.