The Formal Meeting with AIGETOA and BSNL Kerala Circle administration was held at Conference Hall, O/o CGMT BSNL Kerala on 13/6/2022, as scheduled. The meeting was chaired by our respected CGMT Sri. C V Vinod ITS, GM (HR/Admin) Sri. R Sathesh, DGM ( HR/Admin) Sri. Muraleedharan, AGM ( HR ) Smt. Thushara S Babu and SDE (Admin) Smt. Beena Jain C. Association side was represented by Sri. Saheer S , CS - AIGETOA, ACS Sri. Ansal Mohammed, Sri. Cijo P Joseph, Sri. Dipu Chandran and CVP Sri. Vipal Prem.
At the outset our GM ( HR/Admin) welcomed CGMT and all other participants to the formal meeting. Respected CGMT gave a patient and empathetic hearing on various issues and concerns raised by AIGETOA team. CGMT reiterated that circle administration is committed to ensure transparency, mutual trust and confidence while keeping the cordial relationship with the association. Accordingly Circle / BA HR sections will be directed to have judicious and diligent working in all matters which they dealt with and ensure that the documents submitted by association are handled with due importance.
Recently there were some incidents of fake complaints being raised by some corners / individuals through which BSNL management were misguided, some mistaken identity orders & in some BAs issuance of some fabricated orders to cover some enquiries etc , which were pointed out by the association with clear evidence. CGMT said all these things were totally unfortunate and management expressed its regret on the same. Sir assured that such mischievous activities are viewed seriously and actions & corrective measures will be taken by administration.
Detailed discussions happened on request Transfers & it's lacunae in execution of long stay transfers, CO MS transfers, remaining Rule-8 request cases etc. AIGETOA requested that all the pending inter BA transfer orders may be re-issued soon (which was kept in abeyance by including left out cases of ESS OTP cases) without keeping any differential treatment to any BA. Circle administration informed that there will be some review on the excess /deficit BA workout, since many executives have already gone outside the circle which makes it a difficult time for BAs to work out the restructuring guidelines. CGMT assured that all request transfers received till 15th May 2022 including those from ESS OTP portal will be issued soon as requested by the association without any restriction. HR section will be told to prepare fresh list for Long Stay transfers.
The CO MS orders dated 19/3/22 will be cancelled and if required some reviewed orders will be done. Further for substitute replacements or to cater BA wise deficit etc new incumbents from outside circles or revised long stay will be utilized. It was also suggested by Circle management that another detailed meeting will be scheduled with the recognised association while re-working of distribution of executives across BAs. It's mentioned that as demanded by AIGETOA , the Rule-8 list has already published and further applications also will be registered . The requests will be empathetically considered by CGMT on case by case based on merit and guidlines.
CGMT once again emphasized that , Sir will not allow concocted efforts by any miscreants to tarnish the recognised association or it's OBs by misguiding the administration. The vested interests behind such recent episodes were exposed bare in the meeting. The fabricated plans and lapses pointed out by this association will be taken care or cleared as the case may be. The meeting concluded with Vote of thanks from AGM (HR) Smt. Thushara Madam
Shri C D Vittal (86 years), father of our beloved CGMT Shri C V Vinod expired on 13/6/2022 evening.
Cremation will be held at Trivandrum on 14/06/2022.
AIGETOA Kerala Expresses its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.
May the departed soul rest in peace.
The Efforts of AIGETOA is showing the results. The Rule-8 requests seniority publication was one of the demand raised by AIGETOA Kerala from starting. Now BSNL Kerala Circle , published the pending Rule-8 requests as on 31-5-2022 . Click here for the covering letter and annexure
All concerned are requested to check the status and inform about discrepancy if any and intimate to AGM(HR), O/o CGMT BSNL Kerala latest by 8/6/22. The concerns if anyone have, please contact to District AIGETOA OB immediately also.
AIGETOA Kerala submitted suggestions and inputs inline with the expected 4G rollulout in Kerala Circle.This association have raised concerns related with 2G-4G n/w Vs 2G-3G-4G n/w and infrastructure etc with CGMT.
CS & ACS AIGETOA have met GM HR /Admin, BSNL Kerala today based on the assurances given by CGMT , BSNL Kerala earlier on processing of Rule-8 requests and Inter BA request transfers. It is clarified that one by one the pending Rule-8 requests on merit will be done and all cases will be considered as assured to AIGETOA within the time frame. The seniority list of Rule-8 cases also will be published soon. The commitment made by AIGETOA Kerala is thus undoubtedly clear by execution of pending Rule-8 requests.
Further in the matter of pending Inter BA request transfer cases which was kept under abeyance, it is assured that the clearance will be done at the earliest through recalculation of executive strength in BAs. The leftout cases where the requests submitted through ESS also will be considered along with the same.
Dear Friends,
AIGETOA Kerala happily announces the Orientation Program for LICE Exam 2022 handled by Professional Institute & Subject Experts to equip the aspirants well in time before the exam schedule.
Full classes handled by Professional and academic experts
Online classroom sessions with more than 125 Hrs
(Lectures , Study Materials hard copy/soft copy , Mock tests, Question Booklets & Discussion, Revision & Reviews)
Total Expected Cost Below Rs 4500 per candidate
A free introductory session will be there on 12-05-2022
Register in below link
Anurag 9446400440
Ajeeb 9434737500
Suneer 9446446546
Binoj 9495667666
Sandeep 9447755455
AIGETOA Kerala submitted with regard to the deviations happened in transparent method of transfer executions and the connected matters. The detailed situation depicted in the letter. Click here for the same