Dear All,
BSNL Management has issued one more appeal to defer the ongoing call of the AIGETOA in line with the discussion held with the Director HR on 22.07.2021. Although few major points have been left in the record of discussion issued and these have been raised to the Sr GM SR as per the discussion held, she has assured to bring to the knowledge of Director HR BSNL. In the meantime, the restructuring meeting is also scheduled to start with AIGETOA on its submissions from 28.07.2021.
CHQ governing body in the meeting held yesterday night unanimously decided to consider the request of the Director (HR) to enable the discussion in an amicable environment and defer the ongoing agitation program with a belief that resolution of issues will happen in 2-3 months time as assured in the letter. Further, we believe that the management will seize the opportunity and consider our request to ensure the sufficient number of promotional posts in restructuring as submitted by AIGETOA and one promotion to all eligible executives before the implementation of restructuring.
The decision to defer the appeal has been taken in view of the discussions held on 22.07.2021 wherein Director HR categorically told that management is considerate on all the issues and they shall be taking positive action on all the genuine issues related to executives. Director HR also told that management has already shown its positive intent by moving forward on JTO to SDE DPC despite many criticalities. He reaffirmed his commitment to taking care of left-out JTOs and promotions in other streams and grades. With respect to Restructuring issues, he said that management is considerate on the subject of promotional avenues, stagnation, and the number of posts, and discussion on these aspects should be given a chance before moving on to extreme steps. Director HR also told that within the next 2-3 months, things will be visible on the ground, and results of the efforts will definitely be seen. The Association side also expressed that while we also believe that amicable resolution should be given a priority, but time and again, changing stand by management on issues forces us to do so. However, as per the request of management, AIGETOA can consider deferring the program but any change in the stand of management may force us to resume the action programs and that too with more vigor.
Accordingly, we have decided to defer the programs as of now. However, this deferment is subject to be launched immediately in case we feel that there is a deviation from the assured path. Despite the deferment, the whole rank and file of AIGETOA should be ready to react immediately in case things do not settle as per discussion and satisfaction of AIGETOA especially with respect to covering the left out Candidates for JTO to SDE DPC and ensuring a sufficient number of posts in various streams and grades.
We extend our heartiest thanks to our esteemed members and supporters to make the organisational call successful by quitting WhatsApp groups to lodge their strong resentment by around Ten Thousand Executives. Now we request all of them to resume the previous position on account of deferment of the call and devote themselves to improve the position of BSNL despite all challenges to bring back our beloved organisation to the path of growth.
Dear Friends,
BSNL is passing through a tough time and revival package approved by the Govt of India in Oct-2019 and VRS of more than 78000 employees, reducing the wage bill from 1200 Cr to 560 Cr, have not ended the misery and even the basic right of timely salary and medical needs are absent for the employees. No significant growth in the revenue by BSNL, Non-rollout of 4G, No land monetization, and ever-increasing liabilities of debt are pushing the organisation into a seriously vicious cycle. AIGETOA has always raised its voice for the sustainability of organisation at all platforms as we understand the serious fallout on the employees recruited by BSNL on account of any mishap in the fortune of the company. In absence of any proper social security measures, the employees recruited by BSNL are very concerned along with other employees for their future due to the current state of the company. So, AIGETOA has decided to raise the voice once again for bringing the organisation on the right track by draw the attention of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and senior dignitaries of the government for the national strategically important asset BSNL.
In this regard, AIGETOA will be running a campaign through a memorandum as part of its organisation program. The memorandum will be submitted by the General Secretary, Circle Secretary District Secretary of the association to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and other senior functionaries of the government from 22nd July 2021. Our OBs will reach all employees of BSNL and appeal to them to support the movement by submitting the memorandum. We will also be reaching out to the Hon’ble Members of Parliament and the esteemed citizens of the country to support the cause. Every CHQ/CS/DS OBs will try to meet Hon’ble Member of Parliament of their constituency and appraise the prevailing condition of the national asset BSNL and plead for the support by forwarding the memorandum to the Hon’ble Prime Minister.
Click here for the format of the Memorandum to be submitted by GS/CS/DS
Click here for the annexure of the Memorandum
22nd to 26th July 2021: Mass representation by all employees to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Hon’ble Home Minister of India cum Chairman of GoM, Hon’ble Minister of Communications and filing of grievance on PGRMS portal to request for fixing of the reasons/accountability for the failure of BSNL Revival Program and wastage of around Rs 69000 Cr of public money of Govt Exchequer.
22nd July 2021: Quitting of all official WhatsApp Groups on protest.
28th July onwards: Start of Non-Cooperation Movement.
4th-5th August 2021: Applying of Two Days Leave as a Protest.
4th-5th August 2021: Two Days Dharna by CHQ, CS & CP OBs at Delhi CO.
The hearing on EPF pension based on the contribution / allowing full pension is listed at Hon SC today. The effect and operation of the judgment delivered by Hon Kerala HC on 12/10/2018 in r/o WPC 13120 of 2015 and connected matters (more than 500) have stayed earlier.
Hearty Congratulations to One and All !!! Defying all the confusions and malafide campaigns that promotions through DPC are not possible in BSNL, finally the path for DPC Promotions opened up.
At last, the path for DPC Promotions opened up for BSNL recruited employees. The fact about who was striving to get Promotion by fighting from the front is known to one and all. Even though these promotions were supposed to happen in the initial months of AIGETOA becoming a recognized representative association, the same got delayed due to a court case at Jabalpur (Before that Review petition filed by some association cronies was the show stopper, which was later dismissed in favor of BSNL recruits). AIGETOA Team virtually worked day and night to get the thing’s on track. Even after the Jabalpur verdict from 1st July to 7th July many issues cropped up in between. Due to the court case at Jabalpur, the vacancies and submissions of BSNL in court, the 2019 Calendar year vacancies could not be accommodated in the current DPC process. Accordingly, BSNL was constrained to reduce some numbers. Now the DPC held for AIEL-1,2 and a total of 3697 executives promoted in this DPC with as and where basis as assured by AIGETOA.
The corporate office order & complete promotion list
We again reiterate that those who couldn’t make it to this list should not feel left out. We are taking care of all and pursuing convening the second DPC very soon and we promise that at the end of the Tunnel, there will be a light for all. It is the assurance and commitment of AIGETOA and all are requested to keep their trust and patience in this regard..We once again congratulate all promoted executives on the new assignment and request our colleagues to keep the support entrusted with AIGETOA to sail on the remaining promotions and protection of cader interests.
Our circle team played a pivotal role in getting the order endorsement today for all the 237 executives marked in Kerala Circle without any BA change. We wholeheartedly thank our respected CGMT, GM HR/Admin & HR section. The inter BA transfer requests pending will be carried out soon after this joining exercise is over.
Kerala Circle endorsed order & List of executives
Let’s Grow Together! Let’s Move Together!! Let’s Make AIGETOA Strong Together!!!
BSNL Corporate Office constituted a Committee to examine the demand of AIGETOA for resolution of the pay loss issue of Executives recruited in the E1A scale. The committee has been given a timeline to submit its report by 31.07.2021.
Click here for the committee letter
For E1 plus Five increments, management has agreed to extend the proposal to all remaining batches, which is referred by BSNL Board for vetting by the DOT HR committee, as detailed in the minute. A reminder letter will be issued in this regard. For the E2 Scale, a reminder letter to the DOT for approval of the E2 Scale to JAO/JTOs is in process and it will be issued soon.
The OA for demanding the full SAB dues with effect from the date of joining filed by AIGETOA in the name of association admitted at Hon CAT Ernakulam. The earlier case was filed by members of AIGETOA as individuals to avoid complexity in case of rejection as SAB can be termed as an individual benefit also and it was required to be done before 3rd PRC implementation. That case was admitted and DPE, BSNL submitted their reply. Now after becoming a majority recognized association, AIGETOA filed a fresh application at Ernakulam to expedite the process and to cover all the BSNL Recruits irrespective of association or grade as beneficiary.
After initial admission, The case was posted on 01.07.2021.
BSNL Standing counsel admitted that there are definite dues towards SAB contribution and due to paucity of funds, the same has not been extended. Hon’ble Tribunal has directed BSNL to submit a statement showing the amounts due as per the existing scheme in two weeks time. During the hearing, Hon Court also observed that the said amount cannot be denied or delayed and needs to be paid without any delay.
Dear friends, in the membership change window season, long long writeups are coming from various groups containing CR of AIGETOA association in the last 10 months of being the majority. Though it’s laughable and ridiculous that people who were at the helm of the affairs for more than two decades are writing CR of AIGETOA and its leadership for the last 10 months. We also wish to inform you that some splinter groups are also in the quest of defaming AIGETOA.
However, we once again reiterate that we will reply to all these people and splinter groups through action and results. Things have been delayed because of reasons beyond our control and not because of a lack of intent or initiative.
We once again leave it to people to exercise their conscience and recognize what is good and what is bad.
Our legal team is on Job for the replacement of E1 Pay Scale by E2 pay scales as entry-level JTO/JAO scales. We already have obtained a stay on the degradation of Pay Scales in JTO RR and very soon we will be apprising you about some good news on that part also.
We extend our special accolades to the AIGETOA Kerala Legal Team who are taking this issue from the front under the guidance of AIGETOA CHQ.
AIGETOA Kerala submits our concern about the precarious and poor infra conditions that exist in the field to CGMT, BSNL Kerala. We requested Immediate attention to the Infra requirements in Kerala Circle with a focus on the following areas.
1. BTS & Exchange Battery Fault, Zero Backup issues
2. BTS & Exchange Power Plant issues
3. DG / Alternator Fault issues
4. Non-supply of Diesel / Ensuring sufficient fuel and related issues
5. Failure in SDCA Level Transmission Centers due to Poor Infra Conditions in Exchanges
6. The rusted conditions of RTT / Masts in BTS locations
We request for immediate purchase of BTS battery & Power Plant as per need in a phased manner or else the issues may get enhanced exponentially. All items with respect to DG maintenance have to be operational for the smooth rollout of tenders & purchases. Necessary guidelines in this regard may be issued. We propose the option of considering 200AH power plants as the second supply to major Transmission rooms in important stations which may be done with less than 50K expenditure and can ensure a fault-free Transmission network. The need for proper checks in all the Tower installations and inspection by the Civil wing on tower strength is a must and the needed repair need to be done on a war foot basis.
Already in the Kerala circle, BSNL is far behind the other operators due to the lack of 4G service. And when this is coupled with high outages, it results in a bad image with high port out. The executives may not be held responsible for any failure or faults which may occur due to poor infra elements. We hope that the submissions will be considered based on the gravity of the situation that prevails.
AIGETOA serves the notice for organisational actions seeking the attention of the management as well as the Government for fixing up of the responsibility towards failure to revive BSNL, pay salaries and medical benefits in time and the complete failure to resolve the long pending HR issues either.
In the recent agenda meeting held on 11th June 2021 under the chairmanship of Director (HR) wherein certain specific assurances were given with respect to settlement of issues and it was categorically assured that a committee will be formed immediately after the meeting, a new proposal for replacement of E1A-E2A pay scales by E2 and E3 Pay Scales shall be sent on 14th June Itself, the committee for FTTH service connection will submit its report immediately, the meeting for restructuring shall be convened within one week with Majority Association etc. It was also informed that management will finalise a fixed date for salary disbursement in line with other statutory payments. However, till today, no appreciable action has taken place despite categorical assurances on many issues. Further, with regard to seniority list issue, the legal opinion which was read out in the meeting clearly stated that Quota should be incorporated while drawing the seniority list but it is understood that management is trying to obtain modified legal opinion just to oppose the genuine vacancy year based seniority concept which was installed in BSNL after so many discussions and legal scrutiny and with the same hierarchy except one person being changed and management is trying to go back from its own decision out of some frivolous reasons.
On the promotion front, no appreciable efforts are being seen from management except for buck-passing on the legal complexities. In the meeting held on 9th December CMD BSNL directed the Personnel section to process the JTO to SDE (DPC) and it was explained by the HR team that the reservation issue will not be a show stopper on JTO to SDE promotions and now management is reluctant on publishing the notice for even LDCE exams also. It was informed to us in the recent agenda meeting that Jabalpur CAT judgment is expected shortly and that even if it doesn’t come, management will move ahead now as more than six months have lapsed and we don’t consider the JABALPUR CAT JUDGEMENT as show stopper anymore. Now as reported on the website of some other association, they are linking up the matter with the reservation issue. Hence there is no point in hoping for any positive outcome now from management.
Similarly, the SDE to DE promotions and AO to CAO promotions have been put on rest in BSNL citing reservation issues. Despite our request not to tag the matter with SLP pending at Hon’ble Supreme Court and instead try for an in-house settlement with mutual consensus amongst all the contending groups, management chose the easy way of filing an SLP which is making this situation more complex. Now management is citing the same SLP as the show stopper in issuing both the promotions. It will be pertinent to mention that executives in the grade of SDE ( List -8) and in the grade of AO are stagnating for almost 10 to 17 years now.
Still, after the agenda meeting dated 11.06.2021, AIGETOA preferred to wait till one week to gauge the seriousness of management on its commitments, but it is regretful that subsequent developments and continued inaction along with messages by management to other groups gives a clear indication that management is not sincere in honoring its own commitments made to the recognised representatives association on record.
Added to all the above issues, management has failed completely to revive BSNL despite extending a 64000 crore revival package by the Government of India in October 2019. It’s a complete failure of BSNL management that despite such a big revival package and the exodus of around 80,000 employees of BSNL through VRS which reduced the salary burden to almost 60%, today situation of the company is at a position that even the salary and medical facilities are not being extended to the employees during this extreme Pandemic Situation also. No doubt, the lack of 4G service is a major constraint but it cannot be the only reason for BSNL's failure to revive itself as the opportunities extended by Government of India in Fixed Line Services by making BSNL a priority choice could not be capitalised at all. The revenues are not improving, the backbone network and infrastructure like OFC routes, battery, Power plants are at pathetic conditions, no improvement in mobile coverage, failure of Cluster-based outsourcing of CFA and CM works are clear examples of the failure of decision making authority in BSNL and the executives are being asked to maintain the services by paying from their own pockets.
The continued failure in addressing the issues be it HR, be it maintenance/development issues, be it extending timely salary or extending timely medical benefits to the employees. The subsequent non-visibility of any appreciable effort on any front ( be it HR, be it EB, Be it CM, or Be it CFA) to revive the company gives a clear indication that running the company has now become just a formality. As a majority recognised association of BSNL, we cannot remain mute to such things, and accordingly, we have decided to move ahead with organisational action programs to seek the attention of management as well as the government in addressing the major cause of concerns for BSNL and its employees.
While we have noticed long writeups on the website of one association, instead of countering their writeup, we prefer to reply with action rather than words. Instead of the words and proving who is right, who is wrong, we request that association as well as all other associations to come together and fight unitedly to Save BSNL and its employees. For all others, who may be having some apprehension in their minds that why notice has been served at this point of time, we would like to inform one and all that we were waiting for the agenda meeting and after that one week time was given to gauge the seriousness of the commitments. It is very much clear now that despite categorical assurances in the meeting, management could not come up with any resolution which was committed in the first week and instead is acting contrary to the interests of the executives especially BSNL Recruits. Hence, all hopes for an amicable resolution are closed now and we are left with no option but to act on organisational programs to settle our long pending HR issues. Accordingly, we request one and all to come together by shredding the association boundaries and fight for the survival of our beloved company as well as its employees.
It's either now or never. We have shown in the Past our might. It's time to resurrect that Mighty Past for shaping up a glorious future ahead not only for employees but also for our beloved company BSNL.
Just Remember – Together We Can and Together Only We Can.
Requesting all to support the call given by the employees for the employees.
AIGETOA Kerala express its heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Sri.Sadan PK,SDE Store, Ollur, Thrissur. Prayers for the departed soul.
The Second Minuted Agenda Meeting between the Recognised Representative Association and BSNL Corporate Management held on 11/06/2021 through an online platform.
Click here for the agenda points, management's stand, and Association's stand on the issues with conclusions.
For more details please visit
We are extremely shocked and shattered to know about the untimely demise of our colleague Sri Satheesh M B, JTO (BBC), Thrissur, and the manner in which he has chosen to end his life. We are also in deep anguish to note that the purported reason attributed to this extreme step being financial difficulties. We express our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace.
No doubt, we in BSNL are passing through tough times. We are passing amidst a deadly pandemic in which we have lost many colleagues. Many of us have also lost our kith and kin. To add salt to this wound, BSNL is being run by insensitive management which has not only failed to disburse timely salary to the staff, but also forces executives to pay out of their pocket for the upkeep of the telecom network even amidst this pandemic. We are also witnessing management that has failed miserably in driving the company through the revival plan post-VRS. Launch of 4G, Prudent and timely restructuring after VRS to suit the modern business needs, professionalization of HR functions, etc. are all adding up to the list of missed opportunities for BSNL!
However, all are requested to note that suicide is not a solution; instead, it creates more problems. BSNL has already lost more than 180 staff in this pandemic and we are witnessing management that runs away from its responsibilities. We do see many sad faces in our company and an element of restlessness and discontent brewing in the company. Timely salary, medical facility, care, and rest must be ensured to employees. Above all, there must be hope - a hope that a good future awaits us. HR management begins by creating an environment of hope for growth and joyful life.
The young employees came with a dream and their dreams must be made true by creating a great company with value. We expect empathetic deeds and words from the management that inspire and enlighten us, but not words of doom and gloom. We also take this opportunity to request the BSNL Fraternity to reach out to all our colleagues at this hour of crisis because it will reduce the stress levels. Let's all fly above the valley of darkness and let us not just hope but work all the ways to make our dreams true.
May your soul rest in peace, Satheesh.
AIGETOA Kerala represented with CGMT BSNL KERALA about the need of replacement of CDOT exchanges with UT/Huawei NGN & utilisation of ASL-1A cards to replace colocated DSLAMs in UT NGN in Kerala Circle before effecting any such diversions. This will have a direct impact on maintenance aspects and power utilisation.