Circle Level Co-ordination Committee of A.I.B.S.N.L.E.A & A.I.G.E.T.O.A has been constituted in Kerala in a combined meeting of circle office-bearers of both the associations, held on 9-8-2014 at , Trichur.
AIGETOA Circle President Sri.Rajesh welcomed all the office bears of both the association and briefed about the recent developments which leads for such a co ordination and emphasis the need of the hour. Sri. Mangalandan Circle secretary AIBSNLEA have detailed about the coordination and the recent developments pertaining to Kerala circle.
The formation of the circle level committee is follows:-
Chairman - Sri. T.K.Mangalanandan, (Circle Secretary,AIBSNLEA)
Convener - Sri. V.K.Ramachandran, SDE, NSS, Calicut(Circle Secretary, AIGETOA)
Vice-Chairman I - Sri.Haridasan, SDE, PGT, (ACS, AIGETOA)
Vice-ChairmanII -Sri.A.C.Shaji, CAO, TCR(Dist. President, AIBSNLEA)
Joint Conveners : Sri.AbdulBasith SDE,Kannur(Org.Secretary, AIGETOA)& Sri. B.Vijaya kumar JAO, PGM's office, EKM( AIBSNLEA)
Treasurer - Sri. K.Vijay, SDE Intl, MLP ( District Secretary, AIGETOA, MLP).
All office-bearers / members of circle executive committees of both the associations will be members of the co- ordination committee.
The meeting decided to take up all common issues jointly, as stipulated in the MOU between the two associations. State-wide campaign in connection with referendem for membership verification will be arranged by this coordination committee in liaison with the local co-ordination committees.
All District secretaries are requested to contact the AIBSNLEA District office bearers to form the co-ordination committee at SSA level at the earliest.