The AGB Cum District Conference meeting of AIGETOA Trivandrum BA & AIGETOA Circle Office units was held on 13.10.2022 at Hotel Prashanth, PMG Junction, Trivandrum.Sri.Dilshad S, DP AIGETOA Trivandrum, welcomed the Guests and dignitaries to the OPEN SESSION.
Respected GM/HR Admin, BSNL Kerala Circle office Sri. R Sathesh Sir inaugurated the Open Session. AIGETOA CS Sri. Saheer S,CFS Sri. Maxmilan, ACS Sri. Prasad Raj, VP Sri. Vipal Prem , ACS Sri . Ansal Mohammed and other CEC/DEC office bearers & almost all members across Trivandrum & Circle Office attended the meeting. From the Management side, Smt. Jeysi Mahil DGM(HQ), Smt Ranimol M S DGM ( Sales/DM/EB), Smt. Valsala Kumari S DGM (OP) and Sri Ashik K.A (IFA), Trivandrum have attended the Open Session and given valuable guidance on the theme Role of Employees on BSNL Revival 2.0. DS TVM Sri.Sreejith S V,DS CO Sri. Sathyajose S L also attended the Open Session and shared their thoughts.
Later our CS felicitated our guests & dignitaries with mementos. Sri.Sathyajose S L ,DS Circle office concluded the session with a vote of thanks. A detailed term report was presented by DS and DFS in the afternoon session. DFS Sri.Sooraj B S presented the Financial Statement for the term 2019-2022 and all the reports were unanimously approved by the members. Thereafter the current body was dissolved & election proceedings started. Returning Officer Sri. Maxmilan handled the procedure. A panel was presented before the RO. The general body unanimously elected the new OBs for AIGETOA Trivandrum as follows
District President:-Sri.Praveen Prakash M J
District Secretary:- Sri.Sreejith S V
District Finance Secretary:- Smt.Divya C K
Vice President :- Sri. Rajesh S
Asst District Secretary:-
1. Sri. Sooraj B S
2. Sri. Nijam M M
3. Sri. Shaji V R
Executive Members
1. Sri. Sooraj S
2. Sri. Vineesh A
3. Smt. Sindhu M V
4. Sri. Jibin J L
Elections were also held for the District President, Circle Office Unit (following the resignation), and Sri. Dilshad S is unanimously elected as new district president of AIGETOA Circle office unit by the unit collegium members.