Dear All,
AIGETOA Kerala wishes Hearty congratulations to all the successful candidates of LICE-2022 of JTO (Telecom) Exam. The number of vacancies available to be filled through the exam was low and there was tough competition for the limited seats across India. We are confident that people who finally made it through the exam would have meticulously prepared for it and deserve to be qualified. Our best wishes to all successful candidates who are getting ready for a second innings in their career with BSNL as executives. Congratulations to one and all.
In this regard, it gives us immense pleasure to declare here that there was 81% success rate among the candidates who participated in the LICE coaching arranged by AIGETOA Kerala. It is a happy and proud moment for our entire team who worked behind it to make the entire program a phenomenal success. It gives us enormous satisfaction to understand that we could lend a helping hand to an overwhelming majority of people who were seeking an up gradation of their career with BSNL. To all those who couldn’t succeed, what we can say is better luck next time! LICE Exam for next VY is coming up. Continue with your hard work and preparation. It will not go waste and our best wishes in advance. We at our end, cherish the bond that could make with each and every one of you.
As all the successful candidates are getting ready to join the executive cadre, let us take this opportunity to welcome you all for an AIGETOA membership. You should be already aware that AIGETOA is the Only Recognised Association of Executives in BSNL and is the only association which is relentlessly working for settlement of Pay related dues, Superannuation Pension dues and career Progression for BSNL employees. We believe in Efforts and team work. Our motto is Together We Can – Together We Have and Together We Will.
We request all the new executives to be a part of our fraternity who strive for a professional working culture in BSNL with our justified career progression , remuneration and pension. As you prepare to start the journey , Let us make a mutual commitment to sail it together.
Namaste! Welcome on board!