The AGB Cum District Conference meeting of AIGETOA Kannur BA was held on 31.08.2022 at KTDC Loomland Hotel, Kannur.
In the morning session DS Sri. Roopesh Ramakrishnan & DFS Sri. Pramodh K J presented Term report & financial report respectively and unanimously accepted by the general body.
Further, the Open Session started. Respected GMT Kannur Sri. Rajeev SK inaugurated the Open Session. AIGETOA CP Sri. Mohammadali ,CS Sri. Saheer S, ACS Sri. Abdul Basith PK, ACS Binoj C B, ACS Sri . Ansal Mohammed CH and other CEC/DEC office bearers & almost all members across Kannur & Kasaragod attended the meeting. Sri. Mohanan PV,DGM(HQ), DS BSNLEU Sri PV Ramadasan,DS SNEA Sri Manojkumar KV also attended the Open Session and expressed various thoughts on the theme Role of Employees in BSNL Revival 2.0.
Sri. Sudeep C, ADS,AIGETOA Kannur BA welcomed all dignitaries & participants.
DP AIGETOA Sri. Sandeep P Presided over the function. All the dignitaries addressed the meeting on Open Session theme.
District committee felicitated Shri Sudeep C(AGM-EB and ADS , AIGETOA, Kannur) and Shri Gokuldas CN(JE,BSS, Kannur) for the achievement of completing 75Km ultra Marathon in connection with 75th Independence Day celebration as a part of Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav.Respected GM Shri Rajeev SK presented the mementos to them.
Further the outgoing BA Body dissolved and Election proceedings started. Returning officer Sri. Ansal Mohammed and Circle observer Sri. Binoj C B , handled the election proceedings and the AGM elected new office bearers of AIGETOA Kannur for the next term.
New office bearers of AIGETOA Kannur BA are as follows :
District President - Sri.Firaz T Abdulla
District Secretary - Sri.Riyas K
District Fin Secretary - Sri.Jayath K
District Vice President - Sri.Mahesh Kumar T
1.Sri.Priyadarshan P
2.Smt.Rinta K V
3.Sri.Jayakrishnan M
Executive Members
1. Sri.Sudheesh K
2. Smt.Minu P
3. Sri.Roopesh Ramakrishnan
4. Sri.Sandeep P
Organising Secretaries ( Nominated)
1.Sri.Sajith B
2.Sri.Sujith B
3.Sri.Sudeep C
4.Sri.Shibi O
5.Sri.Varun P P.
Meeting concluded at 5:30 PM with vote of thanks from ADS Smt. Rinta K V