The Annual General Body Meet of AIGETOA Kerala Circle was conducted successfully as per schedule on 20th and 21st of Dec'2021. The proceedings on the first day was conducted on a Hybrid mode (both online and offline mode) from Hotel Prashant, PMG Jn, Thiruvananthapuram, whereas the same for 2nd day was conducted in a fully online Mode. Collegium members elected as per constitution of AIGTOA from the 13 constituent BA bodies of Kerala Circle participated in the proceedings which was chaired by Circle President Shri Muhammed Ali MC. Forenoon session on the First day the was reserved for report presentations before the collegium body and Circle Secretary Shri Saheer S presented the report for the circle while Circle Finance Secratary Shri Max Milan presented the Circle Finance Statements assisted by Shri Cijo ACS Kerala. The secretaries of respective BAs also presented the Reports for their BAs before the collegium and all the reports were duly approved by the collegium.
The Afternoon session on the first day was earmarked for Open Session and the theme was “Current Telecom Scenario - Challenges and Opportunities on Emerging BSNL 2.0 “. The event was chaired by our Circle President Shri Muhammed Ali MC and was inaugurated by our Chief Guest Sri. C V Vinod ITS, CGMT, BSNL KERALA Circle in the presence of Guests of Honor Shri R Satheesh GM (HR/Admn) Kerala Circle, Shri Rajendran C PGMT TVM, Shri A K Mishra PGM (NWP)CM , Shri P G Nirmal GM (NWP) CFA , Shri NK Sukumaran GM (CNTX) , Shri Saju George GM(NWO) CM, Shri Remesh Raj SN GM(NWO) CFA/EB , Smt. Mira Mardi GM(IT), Smt. Rethi Rani A DGM(F)/IFA. The event was also telecast over Youtube for General members in addition to participation over Zoom by Collegium members who couldnt attend offline due to Covid protocols. Our Beloved GS AIGETOA Shri Wasi Ahmed has also blessed this occasion via his presence ONLINE. Later he greeted all dignitaries and addressed the gathering laying threadbare the current telecom Scenario and status of various BSNL revival measures as available with AIGETOA CHQ which set the tone for the event. . He also emphasized the need to invest on human capital and addressing the various HR issues of workforce by BSNL, should it reinvent itself.
Later our Respected CGMT in his Keynote address delivered a wonderful speech that enthralled the audience and presented a vision for the future of BSNL and the path this company must take for a better future. The valuable insights provided by him on current Telecom Scenario and BSNL revival in the speech was helpful in inculcating a sense of reality and confidence among the workforce. Later on all Dignitaries present for the event shared their ideas and perspectives which engaged and fascinated the audience. Shri Ravisheel Verma, All India President AIGETOA CHQ also intervened briefly through online and delivered a speech that captivated the audience. The session after that was later kept alive by dignitaries of other associations and unions. The Open session was concluded by 6.30 pm by thanking all the dignitaries, collegium members and members who joined via both online and offline.
On the next day i.e. on 21st Dec the proceedings was in a fully online mode and was attended by all constituent members of AGM including Circle / District Comities / Collegium Members. Various issues regarding Organizational HR and Technical Issues were discussed. Our beloved AIP Shri Ravisheel Verma blessed the occasion through online despite his busy schedule and informed us about the HR activities and association plans and deliberations. He also advised us to be ready for agitations planned in Joint Forum against restructuring policy.
The event concluded with thanks to all the Collegium and District / Circle Members. AIGETOA Kerala Team expresses its profound gratitude to all the dignitaries and our CHQ association Leaders who has joined us in this occasion and shared their valuable time and ideas. We also thank our dear members and non-members who have joined us on this eventful occasion to make it a grand success.